MAD for Cancer
A multifocal research program

Not for the next generation, but for today's

9 Oct 2020 | News
MAD for Cancer on Stage
This November, MAD for Cancer researchers participated in the popular science show ’Om X Antal År’ (in so many years) hosted by Cecilia Nebel and comedian Jesper Rönndal at Medicon...

9 Oct 2020 | News
Breast Cancer Association Award 2019
Mårten Fernö and Åke Borg, both breast cancer researchers at Lund University, received the Breast Cancer Association Award 2019. In more than 40 years, the two scientists have deve...

9 Oct 2020 | News
Kristian Pietras awarded the Göran Gustafsson Prize
Kristian Pietras, Professor of Molecular Medicine at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, has been awarded the Göran Gustafsson Prize in Medicine for "his breakthrough analysis o...

9 Oct 2020 | News
"Wrong" type of connective tissue cells gives worse prognosis for breast cancer
In some cancers, connective tissue is formed around and within the tumor. A hypothesis, which has not been proven so far, is that there are several different types of connective ti...

6 Oct 2020 | News
TEDx Lund
Professor Carl Borrebaeck, held an inspiring talk at TEDxLund,, hosted by Medicon Village and MAX IV.